MUSIC ♥ Music addicted.it is my only escape from the pain...

♥ Sunday, September 18, 2005

anothEr 12 more DaEs tO proMoS!!! hahaS... omG... HavenT eveN staRteD studyinG aLL... HopE thE qNs wun be super diFFicuLt... HeheX... Muz start to Bia BooKs LiaO... soRi mapLe frenS.. guEss u aLL havE tO wAiT foR my ProMoS ovEr deN i caN mapLe wiF u GuyS!!! Dun Be sAd... WiLL miSs u aLL!!! =P

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 1:14 PM

♥ Thursday, September 15, 2005

totaLLy sO sianS... wat the heCk happenEd tO mE coM??? eveRydaE hanG... SianS... wanted to pLae maple osO so DifficuLt... GuyS LefT 1 morE weeK tO proMoS!!! HAHA... Buck up mAn... We muS noT retaiN... We shLd gO tO jC2 toGetHeR aS a cLaSs Nx YeAr!!! Work harD ppl!!! duN faiL me!!! woOtS!!!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 8:26 PM

♥ Wednesday, September 07, 2005

WooTs... Todae is the last dae of the holidaes dat we need to go back to skool... FinaLLy out oF aLL the daeS we Had in Skool... We can rest Now... But it is onli for noW... HaHaZ.... Why we so stressed???? Haiz.... Who should we blamE foR all thE streSs caUseD? SianZ... Luckily.. Teacher din give us a lot of homework or else i will kill him personally myself with my own private knife.... Haha... Juz kidding... i so innocent... How caN i kiLL a persOn??? =P InnocenT peOpLe HavE iNnoCeNt thoughTs.... Haha... So late liao... noW 1am... Cya guyS sum othEr DaE!!! remeMbeR tO tunE iN!!! buaiS!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 4:35 PM

♥ Monday, September 05, 2005

Why everydae so SianZ!!!! HaHa... everydae we spent lik 3 hours studying alreadi... Woah... so long... i tink i going mad liao... Everydae sia... Everytime at maCs summore... Eat macs untiL i m bankrupt!!! HahaZ... Hope my dis wae of studying will prove to havE suM effecT!!! =P HopinG i couLd staY to bLoG moRe... But promOs CominG sooN... So maY noT haVe thE timE to bLog nowaDaeS... HehE... hope u gUyS keep SuppoRtinG mE!!! StaY tunEd foR moRe StoriEs !!! ^.^v

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 6:10 AM