MUSIC ♥ Music addicted.it is my only escape from the pain...

♥ Saturday, November 05, 2005

OmG.. I've been forCed to UpdatE!! hahaS... AniwaE... my oraL presentatioN is oN 14 november!!! oh no!!! waT shLd wE dO??? the date iS so cLosE yeT so LittLe prepAraTioN we haVE donE... Oh no.. HeLp? Haha... Nvm... We will prevaiL!! =P And yA... Our cLasS s12 iS haVinG a BbQ!! woOtS firsT timE in thE yeaR!!! Haha... Hope everyonE wiLL enJoy thE bbQ!!! Our s12 is uniquE... With 1 lesS, iT is noT s12 animoRe... BeinG wiTh u aLL haS leFt maNi wondErfuL memorieS behinD... hopE i couLd collEcT morE memoRieS nexT yeaR... LoOkinG foRwaRd tO neXt yeaR wheN wE aLL hiT thE bookS togetHer!!!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 6:09 PM