MUSIC ♥ Music addicted.it is my only escape from the pain...

♥ Friday, December 23, 2005

sianS... totally nth to do.... my parents both went overseAs and my brO went to aunt's hm to stay... i m left alone to be in my empty and soulless housE... yawNz... what can i dO excepT plae mapLe and biA homEwork...!? hope time passes more quickLY!!! sianSSS... someone gif me sth to do and help me complete my hoMeworkSS!!!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 2:15 AM

♥ Wednesday, December 14, 2005

haiSSS... after ogL camP Le... Wah... SianS... aLmosT everydaE havE tO gO bacK skOoL... -_-zZ super tireD liaO.. den pluS got maD movemenT... is like i duN need to LivE liao.. everydaE feeL like sleepinG.... caN suMonE waKe mE uP??? haha... so mucH happenEd during thE caMp... FuNni thinGs, baD thinGs... And many moRe... eXperienCed a caMp oF 3 daeS 2 niteS... sO maNi thinGs tO teLL anD so MaNi thinGs tO shaRe... aniwaE... wanT to heAr thosE storieS??? Haha... ApproAcH mE... =P

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 1:57 AM

♥ Saturday, December 03, 2005

WooTs it's timE to uPdaTE!!!! hahaS... TodAe mY ogL caMp juZ enDeD... WaH... supEr tiReD siA... yawnZ.... -_-zZ wE aLL biA gamEs untiL 12am... deN biA carDs untiL 2am... haha... SupeR bia-ers siA... JuZ founD ouT daT my og grp is SpartA... haha... City of waR... We wiLL trasH anD owN thE reST!!!! ChionG arH!!!... SparTa roX!! finaLLy todaE caN reSt Le... HaiS... 2 sleepleSs niteS... LikE thE wAr gaMeS in ogL camP besT siA... WatEr bomBinG... sonGs... apoLogiSe foR thoSe goT hiT in thE heaD... soRi aBt dAt.... hahaAS... SpaRtA wiLL win thE waRRR!!!!!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 11:45 PM