MUSIC ♥ Music addicted.it is my only escape from the pain...

♥ Tuesday, January 24, 2006

tmL mathS teSt... maclauRin's expansiOn anD furthuR curVe skeTchinG anD permutatioNs... omG... totaLLy tOo easY... LoL! hahA... no LA... mayB becaUsE i Do tOo mucH mathS Le... T.T hoPe tmL queStioNs wiLL bE easY... hehE... i duN waNna TinK muCh eithEr.... suPeR stReSseD....

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 10:50 PM

wootS... havenT toLd u aLL abT thE LeaP caMp yeT... Haha... it waS owninG fun!!! ^.^ haha... haiS... Our claSs too uniTeD Le... heHe... oveRaLL ouR claSS haD much fun SiA... We walkeD LikE aLmoSt thE whoLe DaE..... waH... CaN imProVe my 2.4km run Le... totaLLy build my stAminA siA... -_-zZ and aLsO... neXt timE wheN u gO diS sorT of LEap caMp... Do NOT!!!! Do NOT brinG toO mucH clothES!!!! CauSe u wun GeT to baTHe eithEr... =P Haha... And i neveR kneW breaD tasTeD sO niCe untiL aftEr leaP caMp... toTaLLy owninG... o.O LosT in biG twO caRd gaME anD haD tO eaT 9 sLiceS oF breaD... wtS...!! AnD nitE waLk wAs cOoL siA... daRn darK!!! buT daRN... diN geT to scAre aNi peopLe... caUsE scaRe LateR thE gaLs aLL crY siA... T.T bUt ovEraLL... thE LeaP caMp waS a greaT memoRy tO keEp... ^.^

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 12:19 AM

♥ Saturday, January 21, 2006

finaLLy... i haVe leT gO of thE previouS crusH.... it's timE tO moVe oN...haha... stiLL waitinG foR somE neW chancEs..... o.O mayb... juz leT natuRe takEs itS courSe... haha.... buT hopE it workS oUt diS timE... hehe.... Wah... so sOoN J1's geTtinG resuLts Le... ContinuE tO worK haRd, mY oG...!! haha.... u aLL roCkS!!!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 8:37 PM

♥ Saturday, January 14, 2006

wootS... juz haD the 2006 orientatioN!! my grouP... sparta deLtA... It was thE beST!!! they werE sO enthU... ThX guyS!!! foR aLL uR suppoRt!!! u all roCkS!!! haHa... But... caN stop puLLinG mY shoELaCes!? lol..... haHa... TheY aRE knoWn tO puLL peoplE's shoELacES... o.O weiRd, huH!? lol... AniwaE... hoPe caN sEe u aLL sOoN!!!! haHa... caN'T wAit tO hanG ouT wiTh u aLL..

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 2:55 PM