MUSIC ♥ Music addicted.it is my only escape from the pain...

♥ Sunday, February 12, 2006

yay~!... exam is oveR!!! haha... not bad leh... i tink i will get quite a good mark for my common test... at least better than wat i got for promos.... hahaS... finally can relax and plae... but still got one morE thing to worry abt... the NTU shootout!!! omG... muS train darN harD liaoS... sianS... zZz... So much thinGs to worRy abT... but so littLe soLutionS to soLve it... whY can't thingS be a little morE easY?.... haiX... Life's a borE... let's all commit suicidE... haha... juz kiddinG lah!!! Life's still interesting!!! HehE... so mani people to suan and so mani frenS to makE... Buck up peoplE!!!

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 12:56 PM

♥ Tuesday, February 07, 2006

sianSS!!! now is commoN teSt!! wooTs! timE to faiL... LoL... Din study mucH loR... yawnS... Let's all diE togetheR... hopE aLL the questions Are easY siA.. Tml is cheM!! pLs gif me photOgraphiC memorY so i can memoRisE aLLL thE reactioNs... o.O aniwaE... valentine's daE is cominG.. hope aLL coupLe's ouT theRe to be happY!!!! ^.^

♥LoOkinG FoR thE LoSt LovE___♫ Played By Lyrical Loves ♥Since 5:05 PM